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Resources for families of all ages.
Parent Engagement Matters: Parent Tool Kit (Teen Edition)
A parent tool kit for communicating with teens.
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4 Weeks of SEL Lessons and Activities for Distance Learning
Free in line site four weeks of daily discussion questions and activities that students can do at home, no technology required.
5 Easy Social Emotional Learning Activities for Kids to do at Home- All Grades
While “SEL” has become a common buzz word among educators, social emotional learning does not just occur in the classroom; it is an important part of our home, as well. Here are five easy social emotional learning activities for children (and adults!) to support SEL in your home.
Activities – Reading Rockets
25 Activities for Reading and Writing Fun. These activities for pre-readers, beginning readers, and older readers include what you need and what to do for each one.
Animal Walks Activities
Animal walks are a fun and creative way to work on whole body strength and coordination.
At Home Activities
A handout with general ideas and activities to help promote skill development during this time at home.
Basic Cree Commands
Daily commands are important at home. Cree Language and Culture Facilitator, Charity Cooper articulates in Cree language and English of the basic commands that we all do within our homes; in our workplaces, as well as in our daily conversations. Charity strongly encourages you to listen carefully and reiterate the Roman Orthography word. This video …
Bathroom Rules Cree
This presentation consists of 9 ways to teach and learn the Cree language when you are commanding on the important ways to keep clean around the washroom.It has photos taken by Marsha Blacksmith. Each page comes with a picture and blank lines that any age group can read and write. It is written in 2nd …
Big Feelings Come and Go
Sometimes when we’re worried, mad, or scared we get big feelings in our bodies. This video series from the storybook Big Feelings Come and Go teaches kids about freeze, flight and fight, and what to do to help them manage their big feelings. You can also download a free PDF version of the book!
Brain Tanning
“Brain Tanning” overviews an event hosted in Peguis First Nation by Mike Sutherland. Mike hosted a cultural camp where participants had the opportunity to brain tan hides. They learned the steps needed to create leather from moose and deer hides with traditional tools and traditional practices. Other activities included in the video are the preparation …
Canadian Paediatric Society – Supporting Youth with Anxiety Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This link will take you to a resource focused on helping teens at home who are dealing with anxiety.
Challenges Calendar & Language and Literacy Suggestions Wheel
The Challenges Calendar gives a simple language enrichment activity idea to do with your child every day. These activities are fun, quick, and use materials from around your own home. A lot of the activities even include playing games or going for walks. There are three calendars (Early Years, Middle Years, Senior Years) that aren’t …
Collaborative Mental Health Care
Youth-Friendly Resources & Websites: This link will take you to a PDF, which features information about emotional problems, including anxiety and depression.
Core Strengthening Activities
Here are some fun exercises for early and middle years aged children to work on their core strength!
Core Strengthening Ideas
This link has some fun activities for younger children to work on their core strength while they play!
COVID-19 Magazine Storybook
The St. Boniface Research Centre, along with scientists from the University of Manitoba’s Department of Immunology, has published a magazine storybook with La Liberte, regarding the science behind the COVID-19 situation. This resource is to provide a better understanding of the coronavirus and its current circumstances to children.
Cree Common Questions in Daily Conversations
common questions we ask one another in our daily conversations, such as “Are you done?” or “who are you with?,” etc.
Cree House Chore Commands
This Cree Language resource is created with a practice printing commands book. It will help to build the Cree language easily through reading and writing in the language and most importantly the visual photos help build language more easy to memorize and comprehend. It is written in 2nd person (if there is any ‘you’ or …
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Facilitators are qualified Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing with Special Education certification to support all students. They are able to facilitate with school teams regarding:
Essentials for Return to School – Parents
Because academic progress depends first on mental and physical well-being, recovery learning will require calm and predictable transitions. Here are some essentials to help support a successful return to school experience.
Expanding Our Understanding of the Meaning of Safe
This link will take you to a resource by Dr. Stuart Shanker, which features an article titled The Self-Reg View on: Expanding Our Understanding of the Meaning of Safe. *MFNSS generated resource.
Fine Motor Development and At-Home Activities
A resource with information on fine motor development and ideas on how you can help children play and practice fine motor skills with items you have at home.
First Nations Languages Program (FNLP) Youtube channel
The goal of the First Nations Languages Program (FNLP) is to revitalize, preserve, and promote First Nations languages and cultures. As such, MFNERC employs facilitators in all of the First Nations languages spoken in Manitoba – Cree, Ojibway, Dakota, Dene and Oji-Cree. The FNLP language facilitators also work directly with schools and First Nations to …
Gill Net Fishing in Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
Watch and learn with cousin duo Morley and Darrell Moore as they share their experiences and expertise in gill net fishing.
Greetings in Dene
Today’s topic is on a sample greeting. In the Dene teachings, edlanet’e is always the first word we hear when we greet someone. In a formal greeting, we would shake hands. For this presentation, Agnes Carlson will briefly say a greeting and to share with you, where I am from and who my parents are, and …
Gross Motor Movement
Here you’ll find a fun youtube video playlist for younger kids to follow along to and work on their gross motor skills!
Gross Motor Skills Activities
Looking for suggestions of ways to help preschool aged kids develop their gross motor skills (movements using the large muscle groups of the body)? VeryWellFamily has activities for preschoolers to have healthy, active fun indoors and outdoors!
HeartSmart Kids at Home
Downloadable activity sheets for educators and families to print and be able to continue to learn at home.
Home- Activities
Resource for parents and caregivers to engage children in skill development activities while spending time at home.
Indigenous Dwellings of Canada Colouring Book
Get ready to have fun and learn at the same time! Explore the many different homes and cultures of Turtle Island’s nations, past and present, throughout Indigenous Dwellings of Canada. Each beautiful, black-line illustration includes carefully researched commentaries by Katherine and Leo Pettipas. Not only do they tell fun stories, but offer informative glimpses into Canadian history. …
Let’s Read Together- Activity Guide for Families
This guide is a literacy resource created by the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. It was created as a support for families. This guide provides useful information on developmentally appropriate learning. This guide gives suggestions of play based learning activities to continue learning at home. Either use all or pieces of this resource to help support …
Literacy activities for children – Raising Children Network
Literacy activities for children. Talking, singing, playing sound and word games, reading, writing and drawing with your child are great ways to set up a good literacy foundation.
Literacy Games –
Parents can get their children excited about learning with the education online literacy collection of teacher-designed educational games. With activities suited for preschool through 5th grade, your children will build foundational skills in everything from counting to reading comprehension, fractions to basic coding, and much more.
Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy
The MALS Annotated Bibliography provides a variety of teacher and student resources that language teachers can utilize for their language programs. This resource includes a listing of these resources in each of the First Nation languages and identifies where each one can be located. The website links are also included at the end of each …
Manitoba Student Aid – Budget Worksheet
Information on student financial aid for those needing support to attend post-secondary institutions. Includes career research, institution information, budget form, and application requirements.
Manitoba Student Aid – Online Application
This document provides a checklist of the information required to submit an online application.
Manitoba Student Aid – PowerPoint Presentation
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of information on student financial aid for those needing support to attend post-secondary institutions.
Mehrit Centre – Shanker Self-Reg
From Dr. Stuart Shanker: “TMC is laying the foundation for a paradigm revolution built around the science of self-regulation. Every aspect of how we look at children will be transformed, as we shift from trying to manage or suppress, to understanding and ameliorating their problems in behavior, mood and thinking. We envisage a future in …
Mental Health Week
Every year since 1951, CMHA has hosted Mental Health Week in the first full week in May. • Mental Health Week is a Canadian tradition, with communities, schools and workplacesrallying to celebrate, protect and promote mental health.• Visit for info and tools about CMHA Mental Health Week.• Connect on social media using the hashtags …
My Learning at Home – Manitoba Education
The collection of resources on this site can support your child’s well-being and learning growth, and encourage meaningful family-centred learning. New early childhood, Kindergarten to Grade 12, and adult learning supports will be added and updated regularly.
NRICH is an innovative collaboration between the Faculties of Mathematics and Education at the University of Cambridge, part of the University’s Millennium Mathematics Project.NRICH provides thousands of free online mathematics resources for ages 3 to 18, covering all stages of early years, primary and secondary school education – completely free and available to all.NRICH aims …
Nursery and Kindergarten Activity Booklet
Here are some fun free learning activities for Nursery and Kindergarten aged children that you can use at home.
Parent Engagement Matters: Parent Tool Kit (Teen Edition)
A parent tool kit for communicating with teens.
Pearson Mathology
Help children see math in everyday activities and create their own positive math stories. Mathology Little Books support children learn the essential skills of critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to communicate mathematically. New books will be added every week.
PHE Canada
PHE Home Learning Centre provides access to practical and fun physical and health education activities.
Preschool Developmental Checklist Guide
This developmental checklist gives a view of the child as a whole. It can be used by both caregivers and teachers to get a glimpse of where the child is developmentally.
Reading and Writing with Your Child
Some ideas and suggestions for parents or family members when assisting their children with assignments.
Robert Munsch Books
These early learning literacy websites to support families to encourage reading comprehension and to develop language for children ages 0-7 years.
Scholastic – Classroom Magazines
These early learning literacy websites to support families to encourage reading comprehension and to develop language for children ages 0-7 years.
Science Quizzes is a free online site that provides quizzes on topics in science and math. Each quiz has approximately 10 questions. It auto-grades and provides a certificate of achievement that can be downloaded and provide evidence of a completed task and score.
Sensory Play at Home
A resource with ideas for sensory play activities you can do at home with ingredients you may already have.
Sharing Medicines
Join local Knowledge Keepers from the community of Pine Creek in the harvesting of medicines such as wihkes, sweetgrass, sage, as well as balsam and poplar bark or “kidney medicine.” Stanford and his family carry a rich history and knowledge of over 40 plants and medicines. They share about the preliminary and preparatory stages, protocols …
Sound It Out
How to help your child in problem-solving during reading. Being flexible in problem-solving provides more information to allow the child to be successful.
Special Education
This lesson plan will help you brainstorm ideas to create a family book project about your home and teach your children common house vocabulary in English or your traditional language while working together as a family.
Spring – What do you see outside Ojibwe
A PowerPoint presentation providing spring weather images and Ojibwe translations with audio, with the focus on, “What do you see in the spring?”
Spring Goose Hunting asoyikēwin
During spring, we hunt geese, ducks, mallards that fly from the south. This PowerPoint presentation with audio, has a few words that relate to goose hunting. Also provided is a Cree Syllabics Chart with Standard Roman Orthography; along with a worksheet that students can work on.
Technology Education Assessment
The purpose of this report is to assess the existing technology education programming available to Indigenous students living in First Nations in Manitoba. Technology education encompasses industrial arts, human ecology, applied business education, and technical vocational programming. During the collection of information, this report notes that there are many industrial arts, human ecology, and applied …
The Land is our Classroom: Harvesting Moose with Kookum
“The Land is our Classroom: Harvesting Moose with Kookum” explores land based knowledge by drawing from traditional Anishinaabe practices at a family level. Join Elder Gladys Mercredi, her brother Fred Nabess, and her son Randy Mercredi of Cormorant Manitoba during their 42nd annual moose hunt!
The Stay Home Superheroes
This children’s story written by Sophie Marsh beautifully describes how important our children are during this time as stay home superheroes. Fun for children of all ages.
Treaty Terms in Dene
Lucy Antsanen, MFNERC First Nations Studies Facilitator, will go over Treaty Terms in Dene through a series of PowerPoint presentations. There are three parts to the Treaty terms. The presentations feature two dialects; the first one will be Lac Brochet dialect and the second one is Sayisi Dene dialect. Lucy will be saying the word …
Waiting Games
Some games for parents to do with their children at home or when they are sitting and waiting at appointments, etc.
What You Need to Know – Early Years
This link will take you to an article by Dr. Stuart Shanker titled Self-Regulation: The Early Years. *MFNSS generated resource.
What You Need to Know – Trauma
This link will take you to an article by Dr. Stuart Shanker titled Self-Regulation: The Impact of Trauma. *MFNSS generated resource.
Zaazabigizhwaa Ginoozhe Agojiing – Fish Fry
A 5 step Powerpoint presentation on frying fish outdoors. It’s in the Ojibwe language with vocabulary and short phrases.

For More Information
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