Message from the Director of Languages and Cultures


It is that time of year when staff and students return to school ready and eager to go. Unfortunately, the past year and a half has been difficult for staff and students dealing with the pandemic.  At the MFNERC, we have had some difficulty delivering the services that we have in the past, but we were able to modify our work to provide services remotely and resources to support at-home learning. For example, our Essential Learning Packages created are by grade level, covering all subject areas. These are still available for our member communities to access should they need to.

As we plan to return to work, our staff will be available for remote supports for communities and have arranged several different online gatherings for school staff. Once travel restrictions are removed, the staff will begin planning for travel to communities. Our in-school service delivery will look different once we are given the go-ahead to travel. Our ability to provide remote assistance has significantly improved, and we will be using online service delivery as the main option.

We have many publications and resources that will be coming available very soon. Some major publications include the Land Based Education Guide and First Nations Curriculum Framework. As well, a wide range of materials for teaching languages and cultures will also be online soon.

Should your school or staff require any specific supports, please do not hesitate to contact the Languages and Cultures department staff or me. We will be providing our general school assignments to the school very soon, and our staff is looking forward to meeting with the schools and understanding the direction they wish to be moving.

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