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Manitoba First Nations
School System

MFNSS provides a quality, holistic, and culturally relevant education for First Nations students by nurturing each child’s growth and encouraging their development as lifelong learners. MFNSS manages Nursery to Grade 12 education, the Private Home Placement Program (PHP), and tuition for high school students attending schools off-reserve. MFNSS also administers school transportation, facilities, and operations.

Established by the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre (MFNERC), MFNSS is a First Nations-designed and led school system, realizing a vision set in motion by our leadership almost 50 years ago.

MFNSS holds at its core four universal principals, intended to drive our decision making and actions. These universal principals are:


Recognizing the diversity within First Nations, addressing unique needs, and respecting First Nations control and treaty and inherent rights.


Working along with communities to ensure standards for high-quality education and school improvement are applied equally to all schools, as well as ensuring standards are administered using best practices for effective schools for First Nations students


Attracting and retaining qualified education staff and stemming teacher turn over by paying salaries comparable to those of provincial teachers. Providing students with access to a wide range of opportunities and resources.


Developing and maintaining relationships built on a shared commitment to meeting the needs of the students we serve.

Since starting operations in July 2017, MFNSS has made significant strides in developing an education system reflecting First Nations worldview, culture, and values. As of March 2019, eleven First Nations schools have signed on for an initial term, with several others expressing an interest in joining.

For More Information

1200 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0T5
Phone: (204) 594-1290 • Fax: (204) 775-7457

Colleen West
Director of Instructional Services

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