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Early Learning

The early years (0-7) are a crucial time for learning and human development. Helping with, understanding, and supporting early learning and development has a positive impact on the overall well-being of First Nations children. Putting support systems in place early in children’s lives helps them grow and develop into strong capable human beings who can adapt and live in a society that is forever changing.

Our Early Learning program helps provide First Nations students with a strong foundation in their early years for optimal growth, development, and lifelong learning. We also promote parents as their children’s first teachers and assist families in supporting their children’s literacy development from birth, throughout the school years.

MFNERC has also developed resources to support early learning and development including the Manitoba First Nations Guide to Support Early LearningGrowing Indigenous Families Together; the Early Childhood Education Framework; and Welcome to School bags. We also host an Early Learning Conference every year in the winter. See photos of our most recent Early Learning Conference.

children looking at indigenous beadwork

Early Learning Educator Resources

At Home Activity Ideas for Nursery and Kindergarten

Early Learning Programs

MFNERC’s Early Learning program works in partnership with Manitoba Education and Training. Their Early Childhood Education unit has created many helpful resources that we are happy to share here.

On February 8, 2017 Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl presented a keynote address at the First Nations Early Learning Conference. It included examples of…

MFNERC’s Early Learning Program works in partnership with Manitoba Education and Training. Their Early Childhood Education unit has created many helpful resources that we are happy to share here.

Manitoba First Nations Guide to Support Early Learning provides a foundation for early learning programs and initiatives within Manitoba First Nations.

Self-Regulation refers to how people manage energy expenditure, recovery and restoration in order to enhance growth. Effective self-regulation requires learning to recognize and respond to stress in all its many facets, positive as well as negative, hidden as well as overt, minor as well as traumatic or toxic.

Science and Techology

Learn more about First Nation science fairs and robotics in the class room in our Science and Technology section.

News & Events

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For More Information

For more information on the Early Learning Program please contact:
Susy Komishin, Partnerships Project Lead.

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