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Middle Years
Health Education
Middle Years Health Education from a First Nations Perspective: Video Series and Lesson Guide offers a journey into a First Nations holistic perspective on health and well-being.
The resource includes a five-part video series that connects Traditional Health Knowledge of First Nations with Manitoba Education’s Physical Education and Health curriculum for Grades 5–8.
Each five- to ten-minute video features excerpts of interviews with Elders and Knowledge Keepers from each of the five First Nations in Manitoba: Cree, Dene, Dakota, Ojibwe, and Ojibwe-Cree.
Providing a “living library,” this resource also includes the full interviews in their entirety, which share the unique history and culture of Manitoba’s First Nations as related to health studies.
MFNERC and Manitoba Education partnered to create this resource.
Lesson Guide
For each video’s specific topic area, the lesson guide includes discussion questions, activity suggestions, and further resources.
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Elders and Knowledge Keepers
When you are approaching an Elder or Knowledge Keeper, explain who you are and what you are asking of them. If you are asking them for guidance, knowledge, teachings and/or their time, it is respectful to provide an honorarium and/or tobacco to acknowledge their time and energy. The honorarium for an Elder or Knowledge Keeper varies, so it is important to speak to your school administrator and to ask the Elder or Knowledge Keeper what their honorarium rate is based on their experience and teachings. Aside from an honorarium, most Elders and Knowledge Keepers will expect tobacco as an offering in exchange for your request. It is important to ask how they would like the tobacco to be presented to them, as some Elders prefer a pouch of tobacco or ceremonial tobacco in a red fabric tie.
For students approaching Elders and Knowledge Keepers, Elders Eleonore Veuillot and Dave Courchene Jr. share in their interviews on how to connect in a respectful way. In the full interview with Eleonore Veuillot, she shares the importance of building trusting and respectful relationships with others and nature. In the full interview with Dave Courchene Jr., he discusses the importance of young people seeking mentorship with Elders to explore their identity in a supported environment.
Healthy Relationships
There are many kinds of relationships. With ourselves and with others—Elders, family, peers, and with the land we live on. When we walk the Seven Sacred Teachings (Anishinaabe), we’re walking the good life. “Old people are important people because they bring with them the history of the Nation, history of the family, history of the …
Human Sexuality
Acceptance and respect of all identities and bodies in our community are important because all life is a sacred gift from the Creator. In the middle years, the topic of human sexuality grows increasingly important for students. In Manitoba, Sexuality Education Resource Centre, or SERC, provides valuable information and services, and SERC developers consulted with MFNERC …
My Body
Our bodies grow and change throughout the life stages. As stressed in First Nations teachings, approaching wellness in a holistic way encourages us to thrive. One’s wellness depends on more than exercise and eating a balanced diet. Each person has five aspects of self—physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. When all five aspects of self are …
My Nutrition
Since time immemorial, First Nations peoples have been living and thriving alongside Mother Earth: the water, air, land, and spirit. Traditional foods provide naturally nutrition-rich subsistence for humans and animals to flourish. Traditional foods include items such as wild rice, saskatoon berries, moose, caribou and trout fish. Main ideas in the video: Additional Resources
Substance Use / Misuse
In our journey throughout life, we’re all likely to cross paths with substances such as alcohol and drugs. It’s pivotal to discuss Substance Use/Misuse with middle years’ students as they traverse through the wandering life stage (see My Body video) and require guidance on decision making and problem-solving. Approaching Substance Use/Misuse from a harm reduction approach allows space for …
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) and Manitoba Education gratefully acknowledge the following individuals who helped develop the videos, interviews, and lesson guide.
Elders and Knowledge Keepers Interviewed:
Martha Peet
Irma Harper
Florence Paytner
Eleonore Veuillot
Rob Apetagon
Wandbi Wakita
Marcel Mason
Fred Denechezhe
Dave Courchene Jr.
Dan Thomas
In particular, we recognize the late Elder Doris Pratt and Elder Don Robertson who shared their wisdom in interviews for this resource.
Elders and Knowledge Keepers who provided information during resource development:
Alice Thomas
Eileen Roulette
Shirley Roulette
Elaine McIvor-McKay (Dennis McKay)
Dorothy Crate
Suzette Young
Flora Young
Mary Stevenson
Lizette Denechezhe
Linda Eastman
Gloria Eastman
Jean Eagle
Mary Wood
Marie Wood
Joe L. Wood
Lucy Knott
Edward Chaske
Mervin Demas