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Early Learning &
Childcare (ELCC)
0 – 7
Children 0-7 years old
The early years are a crucial time for learning and human development. Parents/caregivers are their children’s first and most important teachers and role models – children learn from everything they observe and experience in their family environments.
Early learning encompasses all activities, experiences, and interactions that young children become involved in to expand their physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual development. Children’s learning capacity is enhanced when their experiences are nurtured in a caring, safe environment and when they are able to explore the world through play, whether it is in the home, community, or other learning environments.
Manitoba First Nations Guide to Support Early Learning
Search Resources
A Guide to COVID-19 and Early Childhood Development
This site is updated and managed by the Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University. This site is a compilation of links, articles and resources specific to COVID-19.
Animal Walks and Gross Motor Skills
A movement break activity for young children that targets gross motor skill development.
COVID-19 and Your Child: Canadian Pediatric Society
This website is updated and managed by the Canadian Pediatric Society, the producers of Well Beings: A Guide to Health in Child Care. This site provides COVID-19 information and care for your child, including how to talk to your child. There is also a section of links to trustworthy resources.
COVID-19: Coronavirus Resources for Early Childhood Professionals and Families
This site is managed and updated by Childhood Preparedness, an American institute that provides training and resources for the Early Learning community. This site provides resources and training specific to COVID-19.
Early Childhood Education Blog
This site is updated and managed by HiMama. They support Early Learning by providing supports and options for communication and management.
Everyday Learning Ideas
Description: Looking for ways to keep busy? Here are some screen-free learning ideas for young children to do at home.
Gross Motor Movement
Here you’ll find a fun youtube video playlist for younger kids to follow along to and work on their gross motor skills!
HeartSmart Kids at Home
Downloadable activity sheets for educators and families to print and be able to continue to learn at home.
Kindergarten – Arts
This document details the Arts learning concepts for Kindergarten children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Kindergarten – Physical Education
This document details the learning concepts of Physical Education for Kindergarten children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Kindergarten – Social Studies
This document details the learning concepts of Social Studies for Kindergarten children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Kindergarten Language Arts
This document details the learning concepts of English Language Arts for Kindergarten children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Kindergarten Numeracy
This document details the learning concepts of numeracy for kindergarten children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Kindergarten Science
This document outlines the learning outcomes in the kindergarten science curriculum and provides examples of hands-on learning activities.
Kindergarten Week 1 Learning Experiences Chart
This chart provides fourteen hands on learning experiences in all curriculum areas for kindergarten.
Kindergarten Week 2 Learning Experiences Chart
Week 2: This chart provides fourteen hands on learning experiences in all curriculum areas for kindergarten.
Kindergarten Week 3 Learning Experiences Chart
Week 3: This chart provides fourteen new hands-on learning experiences in all curriculum areas for kindergarten.
Kindergarten Week 4 Learning Experiences Chart
Week 4: This chart provides fourteen new hands-on learning experiences in all curriculum areas for kindergarten.
Learning concepts of language and literacy for Nursery children
This document details the learning concepts of language and literacy for Nursery children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Let’s Read Together- Activity Guide for Families
This guide is a literacy resource created by the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. It was created as a support for families. This guide provides useful information on developmentally appropriate learning. This guide gives suggestions of play based learning activities to continue learning at home. Either use all or pieces of this resource to help support …
Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care: Information and Direction
This website is updated and managed by Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Programs. This site provides links to circulars or memos sent to provincially licensed child care facilities in Manitoba, including policies, procedures, and information.
Mini Sessions
The Early Learning Team presents information on a variety of topics relating to young children including development, curriculum and guidance.
Nursery – Creativity
This document details the learning concepts of creativity for Nursery children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Nursery – Social, Emotional and Self-Help Skills
This document details the learning concepts of social, emotional, and self-help skills for nursery children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Nursery – Spiritual Development
This document details the learning concepts of spiritual development for Nursery children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Nursery and Kindergarten Activity Booklet
Here are some fun free learning activities for Nursery and Kindergarten aged children that you can use at home.
Nursery Numeracy
This document details the learning concepts of numeracy for nursery children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Nursery Physical Motor Skills
This document details the learning concepts of physical and motor skills for Nursery children. It describes each concept and provides examples of how to encourage that learning.
Nursery Science
This document provides a break down of developmentally appropriate learning outcomes for science in the nursery. It provides examples of activities for children to explore.
Nursery Week 1 Learning Experience
This chart details developmental and curriculum concepts for nursery children. It has 2 learning experiences for each concept that can easily be done at home.
Nursery Week 2 Learning Experiences Chart
This chart details developmental and curriculum concepts for nursery children. It has 2 new learning experiences for each concept that can easily be done at home.
Nursery Week 4 Learning Experiences Chart
This chart details developmental and curriculum concepts for nursery children. It has 2 new learning experiences for each concept that can easily be done at home.
Parenting in Difficult Times
This resource was created by New Directions. It contains information on managing emotions for caregivers and children.
Preschool Developmental Checklist Guide
This developmental checklist gives a view of the child as a whole. It can be used by both caregivers and teachers to get a glimpse of where the child is developmentally.
Robert Munsch Books
These early learning literacy websites to support families to encourage reading comprehension and to develop language for children ages 0-7 years.
Scholastic – Classroom Magazines
These early learning literacy websites to support families to encourage reading comprehension and to develop language for children ages 0-7 years.
Screen Time and Young Children
Article by the Canadian Pediatric Society about proper use of technology for young children.
Sensory Play at Home
A resource with ideas for sensory play activities you can do at home with ingredients you may already have.
The Stay Home Superheroes
This children’s story written by Sophie Marsh beautifully describes how important our children are during this time as stay home superheroes. Fun for children of all ages.